How to make an envelope cushion by Annelies, aged 7

photo 3 photo 1 (3) Hello, this week I am going to show you how I made my lovely envelope cushion for my bedroom. Firstly put the cushion on top of the fabric. You need to measure the width of the cushion  and add an extra 4cm to get a 2cm seam allowance on each side. Measure the length by wrapping the fabric around the cushion (or use a ruler),  leaving a big overlap.

Zig zag the fabric to stop it fraying in the wash. (If you ask your mum to wash it before you cut the fabric that stops it from shrinking when you wash it too.)

On each short end you need to fold it over twice and pin, so the fold is about 1cm. Stitch in a staight stitch, remembering to go forwards and backwards at the beginning and ends, to stop it coming undone. Lay out the fabric and fold it into an envelope like the picture. Make sure it is the same size as the cushion.

photo 3 (1) photo 2Pin the sides and stitch with a straight stitch. Turn it the right way around and push out the corners with a knitting needle. Iron it, and insert  your cushion. FINISHED, now you know how to make envelope cushions.

Annelies, Aged 7.

photo 2 (4) photo 3 (2)I have shown you the rest of my bedroom which my mum did, so you can see how it all looks together! If you like it, send me a comment please.