Another week with Dotty Bobbin

The last week has been all about applique. It all started with a bunny….

photo 3v2           jan14 079v2    The template for this bunny is available on my Pinterest Dotty Bobbin page, where you will find loads more free templates for other designs, including the alphabet. Annelies will be demonstrating in her next blog how to do applique lettering with a satin stitch. Whilst on the bunny theme, Easter is not far away. We have been using bunnies for Lavender bags to scent our drawers, bunnies for decorating towels, and bunnies on cushions. Not to mention bunnies themselves. My students have been busy and this week I will be featuring Sue and her fabulous kids, Ben and Anne-Marie. Sue first came to me in the beginning of January, with her machine still in her box, now she has finished her first set of beautiful piped, zipped cushions. Well done Sue. Her son Ben has been busy making elf slippers, a lined gillet and last week he learnt to insert a zipper on a pencil case. 

photo 5 v2photo 6v2   photo 4v2photo 7v2 Anne Marie has taken to sewing like a duck to water and has made this nightie herself and sends me pictures of all the clothes she makes for Simon her teddy bear! She has him in a matching outfit here. Well done Anne Marie. This weekend she wants to make leggings! So my next blog will be about sewing stretchy fabric with a twin needle!

Aileen, now nicknamed the bag lady has finished yet another beautiful messenger bag and this week set about learning to sew with oilcloth. I have meanwhile ordered a teflon foot for my machine, to make this job easier. I am going to add this to the list of must have feet for my new starters, along with a piping foot!

And to finish on a gorgeous note, I will shortly be adding wonderful little people to my shop! They are Theresa’s utterly scrumptious rag dolls. They are totally handmade and take ages to make, they have their own little red hearts (yes really) and personalities, and have removable clothes. They cost £35 and Theresa will make them to order through my web site. Please support your local handicrafts and order one. They are soooooo much nicer than baby Annabel! If you want them in a particular fabric to match your girls little outfit for example then so long as you provide the fabric that is fine.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHope you have found some inspiration to get sewing this week. I am hoping Libby, the sewing queen will do a guest Bambino Blog soon, with all her ideas on what to sew during a playdate!

Dotty Bobbin